a beautiful message from Francis Battista, Best Friends
The REAL comeback story — Mel, the sweet pit bull, read the story and watch the video too… something happened to the original link at the dallas news…
If you have already sent a copy of the Lost Dogs book by Jim Gorant to the White House or have called the White House and asked them to read the book, just send me your email address and you are entered into the contest and can win a prize. My way of saying thank you for caring and participating in this important BadRap literacy project !!!
There is still time… it might also be wise when you call/write to let Obama know that you voted for him (if you did). thanks !
And thanks to those of you who have already emailed me with your messages, pls send photos of your dog(s) too, if you can.
and thanks to Jacki who mentioned she hoped to see media coverage about this. You can help ! Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, usually max. 200 words, and tell them all about the project and why you sent the book. let me know you did, and you will get an extra special surprise.
here is the press release that I sent out yesterday with links included to mel’s story, badrap’s post, best friends and my contest link:
Here they are:
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” said Mahatma Gandhi
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has,” said Margaret Mead.
here is the blog hop link, hope am doing this right…